The author of this site, who prefers to remain anonymous for now, is a physician with over a decade of experience in caring for critically ill and injured patients. In addition to his medical practice, he has a degree in public health, with a focus on injury prevention. He actively publishes in the injury prevention literature, and teaches medical students and residents in this field as well. As part of his training, he has significant experience in biostatistics, critical review of scientific literature, and evaluation of study methodology.

While the author does not personally own any firearms (why?), he enjoys target shooting, and at one point used to be fairly decent with a bolt-action .22 and a Glock 23 (still his favorite handgun). His brother is a former NRA lobbyist and current CCW holder who is a proud and responsible owner of several firearms.

The author’s goals for this website include:

  • providing more accurate information to better inform this important debate
  • evaluating common arguments used in firearms discussions to provide a sense of their accuracy
  • giving people who are tired of writing the same lengthy replies to different (but similarly misleading) social media posts a quicker way to link to accurate information

The author’s goals specifically do not include:

  • advocating for the confiscation of all firearms
  • repealing the Second Amendment
  • destroying American society as we know it